
The PAGE Executive and Contact Information

Coral Hillel
Contact Info: page@yugsa.ca
Profile: Coral is a M.Sc candidate studying azobenzene photoswitches under Dr. Mermut.

VP Finance
Anirudh Krishnadas
Contact Info:anirudhk@yorku.ca

VP Communications
Jaskaran Randhawa
Contact Info:jr28@my.yorku.ca
Profile: Jaskaran is a M.Sc candidate studying atomic and molecular physics under the supervision of Dr. Kumarakrishnan.

Eduardo Chomen Ramos
Contact Info: chomen@my.yorku.ca
Profile: Eduardo is a M.Sc candidate studying atomic and molecular physics under the supervision of Dr. Kumarakrishnan.

Matthew Tsang
Contact Info:matt.tsang.classroom@gmail.com
Profile: Matthew is a M.Sc candidate researching lattice QCD simulation techniques on quantum hardware under the supervision of Dr. Lewis.

GSA Reps
Coral Hillel and Eduardo Chomen Ramos
Description of Duties:
President: S/he is responsible for coordinating all of the activities.
VP Internal: S/he acts as an assistant to the president coordinating and running events.
VP Finance: S/he keeps record of the expenses.
VP Communications: S/he manages PAGE social platforms and communicates events/news to the department and student membership.
GSA Rep: S/he is a member of the Council of the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA). S/he participates in the GSA council meeting to look after our benefits and needs.
PAD Rep: S/he is the graduate student representative in the Physics and Astronomy Departmental meetings (PAD). S/he participates in the departmental meetings to look after our benefits.
CUPE Rep: S/he is the graduate student union steward. S/he attends CUPE meetings and bargaining, and relays important information to the student body.

Previous PAGE Committee Members:

22-23 Gehrig Carlse, Akash Chauhan, Thomas Vacheresse, Anirudh Krishnadas, Justin Kerr, Coral Hillel, Neil McCall
21-22 Alexander Pouliot, Gehrig Carlse, Taylor Skinner, Akash Chauhan, Thomas Vacheresse, Anirudh Krishnadas
20-21 Alexander Pouliot, Gehrig Carlse, Taylor Skinner, Akash Chauhan, Thomas Vacheresse
19-20 Alexander Pouliot, Nelson Nunes, Gehrig Carlse, Taylor Skinner, Mizanur Rahman, Akash Chauhan
18-19 Alexander Pouliot, Nelson Nunes,Gehrig Carlse, Taylor Skinner, Mizanur Rahman
17-18 Hermina Beica
16-17 Hugh Podmore, Hermina Beica, Azita Jovaini, Keavin Moore, Paul Oh
15-16 Alex Terrana, Hugh Podmore, Richard Thai
14-15 Alex Terrana, Lewis Wei Lin, Naif Al-Salem
13-14 Jesse Rogerson, Naif Al-Salem, George Conidis, Gabriel Palacino
12-13 Jesse Rogerson
11-12 Jesse Rogerson, Lianne Manzer, Carson Mok
10-11 Carson Mok, Panagiotis Vergados, Jesse Rogerson
09-10 Alireza Rafiee, Carson Mok, Panagiotis Vergados
08-09 Alireza Rafiee, Carson Mok, Brynle Barrett, Panagiotis Vergados
07-08 Edward Ackad, Carson Mok, Brynle Barrett, Alireza Rafiee
06-07 Edward Ackad, Carson Mok, Brynle Barrett, Alireza Rafiee
05-06 Edward Ackad, Carson Mok, Brynle Barrett, Alireza Rafiee
04-05 Scott Beattie, Eric Rotberg