Grad Conference

The Physics and Astronomy Graduate Student Conference

Welcome to the homepage for the PAGE conference! This is an annual conference, organized by members of the Physics and Astronomy Graduate Executive (PAGE), for graduate students, undergraduate students, and professors within the Physics and Astronomy department of York University. This allows students to share their exciting research endeavours or interests to their peers and a chance to brush up on their presentation skills in preparation for future conferences. The PAGE conference will consist of talks from undergraduate students, graduate students, invited speakers and a keynote speaker. Attendance is free and food will be provided throughout the day, so we strongly encourage all graduate students to participate each year. As an extra incentive, a prize is awarded to the top graduate talk each year.

2024 PAGE Conference

The 2024 PAGE conference has been scheduled to take place on Tuesday June 25, 2024 in Room 103 of the Life Sciences Building (LSB 103) from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. 

Public Speaking Workshop (by Prof. Sarah Rugheimer)

In addition to the conference, a public speaking workshop is scheduled for June 20, 2024 from 2 PM to 5 PM in Room 317 of the Petrie Science and Engineering Building (PSE 317) and will be delivered by Prof. Sarah Rugheimer, so if you feel the need to brush up on your presentation skills, be sure not to miss it. This workshop is open to all students (undergraduate and graduate) and is not limited to those that will be giving a talk at the PAGE conference. It will hopefully serve as a useful way for students to acquire or sharpen their skills in preparation for future conferences. Students are encouraged to bring their writing materials/devices, questions, and draft presentations. Light refreshments will be provided.

Conference Registration

We are currently looking for undergraduate and graduate students to deliver a talk during the conference. The general guidelines for the talk are as follows:

  • time allotted will be between 10 and 15 minutes (including time for questions)
  • talks should ideally be aimed at a 3rd/4th year undergraduate audience
  • your presentation does not need to have definitive results. You can discuss future research projects and goals as well

As a reminder, the extra incentive is the top three student talks will receive a prize. Plus, conference presentations look good on a CV. If you are interested in giving a talk about your research or research interests, please fill out this Google form. The deadline to register is June 18 or until speaking slots fill up (slots will be granted on a first-come first-serve basis).

Breakfast and lunch will be provided for those who attend the conference, so please register here to RSVP so we can plan accordingly for all attendees.


The extended conference schedule (including abstracts) can be found here.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at

Historical Record: