Call for PAGE Executive Members

The Physics and Astronomy Graduate Executive (PAGE) is looking for individuals to join the executive council. PAGE is a great opportunity for graduate students in the Physics and Astronomy (P&A) department to participate in the community. Through funding provided by the Graduate Student Association (GSA), PAGE not only plans/executes events for the P&A department (socials & the annual PAGE conference), but represents the P&A grads at both the departmental level (by attending departmental faculty meetings) and the university level (by attending the GSA council and Senate). In being a member of PAGE, you hone skills that will be required in your future career, and also add very important experience to your curriculum vitate. It is my hope to have a representative from varying sections of the Physics & Astronomy Department: Astrophysics, High Energy Physics, AMO, Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Planetary Physics.

One year of commitment is expected for those that would like to join PAGE. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to page[at]yorku[dot]ca before the 15th of June 2013.

Please see the ‘Executive‘ link to see the different duties of the PAGE exec. Note that duties are typically shared amongst the group.